March 2018
The Degeneration and Adulteration of
Spiritual Baths
How did Spiritual Baths DEGENERATE from handmade concoctions, consisting of all natural herbs, plants, and other sacred ingredients, by the HANDS of an ordained and trained PRIESTESS or SPIRITUAL WORKER to the cheap, chemical liquid-soap-based compounds that contain unnatural colorants, and are mass produced in vats and sold by “botanicas” and other retail establishments the world over? How was the creation of a spiritual product, by one with RITUAL LICENSE, overtaken by corporations with no connections to these religions or cultures? These cheap, ugly, malodorous, petroleum byproduct "baths and washes" are an insult to the natural and sacred origins of the Spiritual Bath.
In the 1920's and 1930's small scale pharmacists in the Southern United States recognized the profitability of "spiritual products" sold to the African American community, and they acted individually to gain control of the business that was originally part of the spiritual craft of women who created the products by hand. As Caribbean Hispanics and West Indians immigrated to the United States, these products became a highly lucrative industry that today bears little resemblance to its original origins.
I like to view myself as a member of the vanguard of initiated and trained priestesses producing these baths by hand, from natural ingredients, and making them available to the general public to remind us all of the handcrafted origins of the authentic Spiritual Bath. Products that access DIVINE ENERGIES are NOT mass produced in factory vats! They are made in kitchens and on patios, and they are consecrated in SHRINES. Spiritual Baths bring forth the supernatural powers of Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Divinities to improve the lives of others by cleaning their auras so that positive outcomes become realities.
T-D. González