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9-Day Breaking Bath Package
9-Day Breaking Bath Package
My Breaking Bath Package is made of powerful herbs to break witchcraft and negativity, as well as to remove malevolent spiritual entities and the effects of gossip, envy, and past trauma. These baths are also quite effective at breaking the spiritual and psychological effects of problematic relationships, and uplifting one’s mood in general.
This is a complete bath and house/business cleaning package, and it contains enough product to spiritually clean your home and for you to take 9 consecutive baths.
This package is custom made for you, and it includes my handmade clearing incense, a piece of self-lighting charcoal, cascarilla, African Black Soap, and a full size bottle of Florida Water. Each component is natural and organic, with real herbs, barks, roots, and resins.
It takes me approximately two weeks from receipt of payment to prepare this custom bath package. I pick, wash, and dry the herbs, then I blend them for you by hand with prayers and chants in my shrine with my muertos/spirit guides.
When placing your order please be sure to add your full name as a note in PayPal, as well as your mother’s first name, for my prayers.
Please verify that the address associated with your PayPal account is your correct mailing address because I ship via PayPal.