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9-Herb Curse Breaker Anointing Oil


9-Herb Curse Breaker Anointing Oil


The 9-Herb Curse Breaking Oil is Composed of herbs and elements that are specifically used to neutralize witchcraft, curses, and malevolent spiritual entities. These organic and wild-crafted herbs have been steeped in organic, therapeutic-grade, sweet almond Cartier oil.

A few drops of this oil can be added with intention to your hot bath for wonderful purifying results.

This oil will banish the effects of curses, gossip, envy, witchcraft, and malevolent entities from your body. Simply anoint yourself with this oil by applying it to your pulse points, the back of your neck, and even to the soles of your feet for immediate results. It can also be employed for a quick spiritual cleaning in front of your boveda (spiritual altar), by rubbing the oil on your hands and then passing your hands over your body. Many of my clients are having amazing results by utilizing this oil in their Reiki and other energetic work.

This powerful anointing oil is confected with a tremendous amount of spiritual energy in my shrine with my Spirit Guides, and it is charged on my altars.

15 ML Glass Roller Bottle

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