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Essence of Florida Anointing Oil
Essence of Florida Anointing Oil
Florida Water is an American version of Eau de Cologne that was first introduced in the 19th Century, and which quickly became popular among practitioners of Afro-Diaspora Spiritual Traditions throughout the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Southern United States. It is a citrus fragrance, with strong herbal and floral highlights, and base notes of sweet spices. Its fresh and uplifting aroma is immediately recognizable, and there is even a Chinese version that was created in Hong Kong more than one hundred years ago.
My Essence of Florida Anointing Oil™️is a unique and compact luxury format of this much-loved spiritual product. This is an over-the-top organic version of a very familiar fragrance, composed of some of the most rare and costly essential oils and perfumery quality absolutes, suspended in organic fractionated coconut oil.
This oil has all of the spiritual attributes of Florida Water, in a concentrated compact package that can fit into a pocket or a purse for powerful on-the-go spiritual hygiene. The fragrance of this oil is slightly more subtle than that of Florida Water, and the aroma more refined.
This oil can be used to anoint the body by applying it to the various pulse points, and worn as a spiritually potent perfume, it can be applied to the palms of the hands and passed over the body for immediate spiritual cleansing, or it can be utilized for ritual purposes. Imagine anointing your 7-Day candles with the familiar citrus-floral-herbal-spicy fragrance of Florida Water, or using it as a fragrance on your Boveda or Spiritual Altar in an oil warmer.
I have decanted this truly wonderful Essence of Florida Water Anointing Oil™️into substantial 15ml amber glass roller bottles, with lovely golden caps. You will be DELIGHTED by the fragrance and by the effects!
15 ML Glass Roller Bottle